Food Pyramid: A Healthy Diet For Kids & Adults as Well!

The Food Pyramid is a visual guide of nutrition that a human body needs to follow to lead a healthy life. It is the framework of a balanced diet divided into different groups in a pyramid-shaped chart containing a specific food in each section. 

A food or nutrient-rich pyramid is an essential part of children's lives as it recommends the food to be eaten every day to help them in their growing period.

This type of pyramid includes various food groups divided into different sections that suggest specific nutrients for your child. These food groups have mainly 4 sections printed in different colors to make them attractive and easy to manage. 

Children eat little food, and it becomes hard to manage the balance of nutrients required for their healthy life. To educate and manage your children’s diet, we have mentioned the ultimate balanced diet for your kids.

What are the Food Groups Presented in Food Pyramid?

People in India follow a different food group compared to the other countries in the world, it combines 4 major sections in the food pyramid

Let's see below the included foods in the pyramid or the diet hierarchy needed for the kids.

1] High In Sugar And Salts

Our body needs the energy to work, and that energy comes from consuming carbohydrates. The highly processed food containing high sugar and salts is rich in carbohydrates. This type of food is needed to serve every day in a sufficient amount.

2] Animal Sourced Food And Oils

Fats and proteins are an essential part of our body. It helps us grow with all the proteins supplied to our body with age and helps us pursue a healthy life. 

All these requirements can be fulfilled by consuming animal-sourced food like meat, milk, and eggs. And if you are a vegetarian, you can intake the same nutrients through beans and soya chunks. 

So, you must make a balanced protein diet for your children as it will help them grow at an early age.

3] Vegetables And Fruits

Vegetables are the only thing that is hated by the kids, but at the same time, it is as vital as other foods. We can say it is the essential food group in the pyramid to provide vitamin C, iron, calcium, sugar, and fibers to the human body. 

Most essential nutrients are gained through vegetables and fruits, which are highly recommended for your kids to grow. But, it's very challenging to ask your toddlers to eat green vegetables and fresh fruits. So, you can try to make some tasty meals using such nutritional ingredients to catch their eyes.

4] Wholemeal Cereals and Diary Products

This section in the food pyramid includes all types of cereals like wheat & rice and dairy products containing milk & curd. The complete meal for any child needs to be served in a sufficient amount every day. This section provides carbohydrates, fats, and protein that give energy and healthy growth to your kids. 

Final Verdict

Every Indian mother is worried about the nutrients of their children, but many of them don't know which diet will be suitable for them. To help you out in such difficulties, we have mentioned the importance and uses of Food Pyramid according to the Indian food groups. 

The above pyramid tells you about the types of food and nutrients they contain to fulfill all the needs of your child. Additionally, tells you about the systematic way to serve food to your child.


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